Cassidy Sullivan
Photographer/ Artist

Cassidy Sullivan is a fine arts photographer born and raised in Huntington, West Virginia. A recent graduate of Marshall University’s College of Arts and Media, earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts, she is now the current Lab Assistant for the University’s School of Art and Design. Photography always drawn Sullivan throughout her life because, to her, being able to create a story or a work of art with such a fascinating piece of technology was something to be admired.

Growing up in Appalachia, the culture heavily influences her and her current work. As a child, she was always around a work space whether it be the family’s garage, helping someone make model airplanes and trains, or next to an easel. Always doing something creative with her hands, she cultivated these childhood experiences and the world around her into her main body of work, Sansbrough, during her undergrad. Now, she continues to show and work on this body of work as well as other small creative projects.